Friday, February 29, 2008

10 safety Tips for those living alone

And, although living alone in a new city or town can be a challenging experience, it also means you need to be more careful about safety. These are the 10 rules required to abide by to stay safe.
1.Keep personal information personal -
Do not give out your mobile number or address to strangers. This thwarts unwanted visits or calls from people with dubious motives. Request to be de-listed from bank directories and club lists.
2.Answering the doorbell? Stay alert -

A peephole is a must, as is a security chain attached to the door. Home deliveries should be attended to at the door, so keep your money ready before opening it. Apply the same rule to ALL strangers.
3.Observe your surroundings -
When choosing a home to rent, make sure the path to your home is well lit. Report non-functional streetlights in your society and ensure that fused bulbs in your building are replaced instantly. Dark places can encourage crime, so watch out.
4.Be an alert traveller -
I never wear headphones while travelling late; it cuts me off from the outside world and may give the impression that I am not alert, making me seem vulnerable.
- If you are using public transport, avoid discussing personal details on the phone. Be watchful about being followed and take a self-defence course if possible. While driving alone, lock yourself up in the car and don't ever give lifts to strangers. Bipin Doshi, an executive producer with Sahara One who often travels late, has a useful tip: "Don't let the cab driver take a 'shortcut' through unknown lanes and be more careful if he has been chatty along the way."
- Ruchika Agarwal, an art director who has been living in Mumbai on her own says, "I never share taxis with strangers at night and always keep my cell phone charged while on the move. I also carry pepper spray. I may sound paranoid, but I don't there's anything wrong with being concerned for your safety."
If a situation arises, remember the eyes are the most vulnerable part of the body, so attack a predator there. The neck and knees are the next two sensitive areas. You may be weaker than your predator but, if you make some smart moves, you can escape.
5.Keep friends, colleagues and family informed -
Make sure they all have your home address. Keep a friend's number on speed dial. If possible, alert one or two friends about your late night schedule so they can raise an alarm if they can't reach you for a while. If you are travelling out of town, keep your family and friends informed, and call them when you get back.
6.Secure your home -
Make sure to lock your door before stepping out, even if it is for just five minutes. Get a good branded lock and fix new ones when moving into a new place (with the permission of the landlord, of course). This will ensure that previous tenants can't sneak in.
7.Be careful with your keys -
Keep car and house keys separate. I make it a point never to give my bunched house and car keys to valet parking attendants at clubs. These keys can easily be duplicated, while your address can be obtained from your car's licence plate. Also, while duplicating your house keys, stand and get it done yourself instead of coming back to pick it up later. Ensure the key-maker is not making two sets. Do not hide keys under the doormat, over the ledge of the door or in the garden, and never leave them with security guards at your housing society.
8.Hiring house help? -
When you move into a new place, do not hire the first maid who walks into your house or one willing to charge the least money. Talk to the neighbours if possible. Hiring a maid referred by a trusted neighbour could be your best bet. It is also a good idea to register her details with the nearest police station.
9.If you get locked out -
Keep a duplicate set of keys with a friend who lives nearby. You could also keep a pair in your office drawer, which must be kept locked. If your landlord lives nearby, you can borrow his or her copy for an emergency, but that means you need his or her number on your cell phone. 10.Going out of town? -
Shut all windows and doors, switch off all lights and electrical appliances. You could consider keeping the lights at the entrance on, to illuminate possible hiding places around your house. Avoid leaving keys behind with neighbours not well known to you. The bottom line is, be smart and you stay safe.


hi friends,found an intresting article about sharing with you.
The Past Lives of Children

As soon as they learn to speak, soHave you lived before? Over 60 percent of the world's population believes in some form of reincarnation, according to Dr. J. Chiappalone in his book Keys to Reality. "From the logical point of view," he writes, "when contemplating our existence from the metaphysical and philosophical aspect, [the] single life theory does not make much sense. The hit or miss theory of only one life in order to attain a heavenly goal appears absurd, when one views the varying conditions of particular lives."
There is no way to empirically prove reincarnation, however. What evidence we have comes from the testimony of people who claim to recall - sometimes vividly - people, places, things and events from what they believe could be their past lives. The skeptical viewpoint is that these recollections are little more than flights of fantasy and wishful thinking.
More difficult to dismiss, perhaps, are such recollections from small children who, without prompting, describe their memories of former lives. "Some as young as two and still in diapers blurt out, 'I remember when I died before' or 'My other mommy had curly hair,'" says the website Children's Past Lives, based on the book by Carol Bowman. "They often describe details that they had no way of learning in this life." Dr. Ian Stevenson, one of the foremost researchers into the past lives of children and author of Children Who Remember Previous Lives, has documented over a 40-year period more than 2,600 cases that he says offer "undeniable evidence" for the truth of these memories.
In a recently published book about Stevenson's work, Old Souls - Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives, author Thomas Shroder writes: "These children supply names of towns and relatives, occupations and relationships, attitudes and emotions that, in hundreds of cases around the world, are unique to a single dead individual, often apparently unknown to their present families. But the fact is, the people the children remember did exist, the memories that the children claim can be checked against real lives and their alleged feats of identification verified - or contradicted - by a variety of witnesses."
Here are some of those anecdotes from Stevenson's research and other sources:

Civil War Soldier

Carol Bowman was inspired to write Children's Past Lives by the vivid recollections of her own children. When investigating with a therapist why her five-year-old son Chase was frightened by certain loud noises, the small boy described events that obviously did not occur in this life. "I'm standing behind a rock. I'm carrying a long gun with a kind of sword at the end. I have dirty, ripped clothes, brown boots, a belt. I'm hiding behind a rock, crouching on my knees and shooting at the enemy. I'm at the edge of a valley. The battle is going on all around me. I don't want to look, but I have to when I shoot. Smoke and flashes everywhere. And loud noises: yelling, screaming, loud booms. I'm not sure who I'm shooting at - there's so much smoke, so much going on. I'm scared. I shoot at anything that moves. I really don't want to be here and shoot other people."
Tell-Tale Birthmarks

Dr. Stevenson's research has often turned up verified correlations between birthmarks and traumatic events in the past lives of his young subjects:
An Indian boy with an array of birthmarks on his chest recalled being killed by a shotgun blast to the chest. Another boy in India remembers a past life in which some of his fingers were cut off by a fodder-chopping machine. This boy was born with mere stumps for fingers.

The Sewing Sailor

In another anecdote from Bowman's book, five-year-old Tommy Hibbert somehow knew how to sew a button back on his pants. "Tommy went and got a needle and thread," his mother recalled, "threaded the needle, and sewed that button on so expertly that I couldn't believe it. I had never taught him to sew and he had never even seen me do it. Amazed, I asked him, 'Where on earth did you learn to sew buttons on like this?' 'Well, we used to do it on my ship all of the time,' he answered. 'You were a sailor?' 'Oh, yes.' And then he told me about how his ship would creak in the night while he was lying in his bunk in what he described as an old sailing ship with tall masts and many ropes." Tommy grew up and joined the Navy.


Thursday, February 28, 2008


The Road to Success is not straight:
There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, caution lights called family, and you will have flats called jobs.
But, if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, and a driver called God, you will make it to a place called success!
Live for something:
Do good, and leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy. Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.
Pearls of Wisdom:
*Don't love the Heart that hurts you and don't hurt the Heart that loves you.

*Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
*Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
*Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friend's leave footprints in your heart.
*True friendship "never" ends. Friends are forever.
*People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
*If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.
*The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
*A change of heart changes everything.
*Our greatest glory is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall.
*You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough.
*One generation plants trees, and the next enjoys the shade.
*It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.
You are what you think!
*Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.
*What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become. It's a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplish you must first impress upon your subconscious mind.
*Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image. You'll affect your subconscious mind with verbal repetition. Constant repetition carries conviction.
*When you change your values you'll change your behavior. Start thinking of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. Self suggestion will make you the master of yourself.
*If you believe you can, you can.
*You can become whatever you want to be.
Must do:
*In each task that must be done, there is opportunity. See the task not as a burden, but as an encouragement to be fully alive and effective.
*The real burden would be the inability to do anything. No task is a burden, but is instead the chance to express your own aliveness.
*Does the work seem dreary, unimaginative, tedious or boring? That's mainly because your attitude makes it so.
*See what happens when you start by being thankful for the opportunity to do it. Your genuine gratitude will help you to see the positive value.
*When the things you must do become things you want to do, it can transform your life. Each moment takes on more meaning; each effort brings greater and greater reward.
*Rather than fighting and forcing yourself to do what must be done, let go of your resistance and allow yourself to accomplish. Let what you must, become what you want, and watch yourself begin to soar.